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almost 4 years ago

A disappointment, all in all.

I very much enjoyed the first film, but 'The Christmas Chronicles: Part Two' is a much weaker entry. Kurt Russell, though still enjoyable, isn't as entertaining as in the 2018 film. It is nice to see him reprise his role though, likewise with Darby Camp, Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Judah Lewis.

New additions include Tyrese Gibson, Jahzir Bruno and Julian Dennison. I'm a fan of Tyrese from the 'Fast & Furious' franchise, but he is underused here; when he does feature, he's quite laidback. Bruno is alright, while Dennison is hit-and-miss; he has one or two good moments. Goldie Hawn, meanwhile, has an expanded role.

The elves are as great as before, as are the special effects in general. I'd say they are probably more creative with this premise than they were with the 2018 production, but ultimately it doesn't come out as strongly - this one doesn't feel as Christmassy as its predessceor. Also, the musical number is a misfire.

Close to being a good film, but just a little off unfortunately.