movie backdrop

almost 4 years ago


a review by Kamurai

Good watch, probably won't watch again, but can recommend.

I love any chance I get to see Gina Carano in action, but Kellan Lutz carries the majority of the movie with Bruce Willis and Carano in more of a support capacity.

For an action movie, it's pretty good, the problem is that it is a spy movie. It's all about intel, it's focused on the CIA, but for some reason we keep presenting the CIA as a private army instead of a foreign based intelligence agency (like an overseas FBI, but without guns). Even "assets", like assassins, are technically outsourced and aren't supposed to be available in country.

The motivation of an "all hack" device isn't quite enough for me, and the action is mediocre compared to most action films, but very well done.

The most interesting parts of the movie are the "spoiler" bits, so there is something extra to what I see as a very bland main plot, but all in all it's a very average, if good, movie experience.