movie backdrop

almost 4 years ago

The Addams Family

a review by Kamurai

Bad watch, won't watch again, and can't recommend.

I like the Addams Family, conceptually, and I enjoy the live action movies, but this seems maximize everything I dislike about the Addams Family and minimize all the things I do like. And even then, the movie is widely inconsistent. It basically does whatever it wants whenever it wants without regard to the established rules.

This was something that the previous iterations did with some finesse, they always left some mystery to what the rules were, but it never contradicted itself.

The aesthetic alone feels pretty grating, and they use it as an excuse to do things that don't make any sense to facilitate the gags, but it again eludes what makes the Addams Family special, that it is weird and crazy things happening in reality.

While I do like the attempt to modernize the movie, it ruins some great potential to extend the universe and create new characters in the next generation of things: something more movies need to do.

Overall, this movie is just irritating, it has some basic structure to it, but the content is just dull.