Joker made me laugh , cry , and made me feel scared . This movie isn't your run of the mill superhero flick this is a gritty homage to that of films made by the great Martin Scorsese . Some scenes will have you in shock and awe without breaking away from what Arthur sees and feels as he lives in an 80's era Gotham living with paper help and his mom and a mental disorder (Pseudobulbar affect if I'm not mistaken ) , the film also adds the unreliable narrator aspect ( where the camera can show you something that either isn't real or isn't happening), besides that the acting is phenomenal, Joaquin Phoenix really brings his A game, showing Arthur fleck as a loving, kind individual that just wants to make you laugh but is beaten down by an ever changing society that both beat him down and in the end breaks him. This movie also adds the idea of the "one bad day" theme from the killing joke comic where in the comic joker says and i quote '' all it takes is one bad day to bring the sanest man to lunacy " and it takes that idea and brings it to the forefront. In conclusion I think joker was beyond amazing, between the acting, music score and set pieces it was a wild (and scary) ride . Symbolism also sneaks into the movie with slight things you wouldn't notice upon first watching . This movie leaves you confused on what was real and what wasn't . In the end between you and your spouse , friend , or family member will have reasons on what was real and what wasn't and that's what made the movie even better for me , how it left me talking days after and like dark knight and iron man before this i believe that joker will change the superhero movie genre forever... send in the clowns 10/10 would see again