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almost 4 years ago

Frozen II

a review by r96sk

Away from the 'Toy Story' franchise - Disney's greatest sequel to date? I believe so.

'Frozen II' is quality. I'd argue 'Frozen' is the better film, but this 2019 production is terrific. It isn't as funny (though still has its moments) as it is a more darker, deeper story. Considering this premise only really exists in this film, it is impressive how well it comes out and pays off. The score is improved, though the musical numbers aren't quite as memorable as 2013's.

All the cast reprise their original roles and are again very good; props to Idina Menzel (Elsa) and Kristen Bell (Anna). Josh Gad remains very amusing as Olaf, there's one recap scene in particular that stands out.

Entertaining, once more. No complaints from me.