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over 3 years ago

The Revenant

a review by r96sk

Utterly riveting.

It's no surprise this one got/gets rave reviews - it's outstanding! 'The Revenant' isn't necessarily edge-of-your-seat viewing, though it's still a massively impactful watch as you feel every hit of Hugh Glass' journey. It's rather gruesome and bloody, while it also has a few top notch action sequences.

Leonardo DiCaprio is easily one of my favourite actors of all-time, the man is simply a sensational actor - I'm yet to see an anything less than tremendous film involving him. I wouldn't even say this is his greatest performance, and that's saying something as DiCaprio is absolutely superb here.

Away from the main man, Tom Hardy is also part of this film. He is great, as I always expect from him. He and DiCaprio are fantastic actors. Hardy portrays John Fitzgerald, brilliantly. However, his character isn't written perfectly - not poorly by any stretch, he's just a bit flip-floppy at the beginning. The way the story creates itself involving Fitzgerald being where he is isn't as amazing as it could've been - very minor criticism, mind.

Another small complaint is the ending, there's nothing truly wrong with it at all but I, personally, would've concluded things about 10-15 minutes prior - there's a quality, almost Quentin Tarantino-esque, scene involving horses that would've made for a more thrilling end shot.

To finish, everything's beautifully crafted together visually, from a filmmaker's viewpoint, too. A marvellous film no doubt, certainly a must-watch!