movie backdrop

over 3 years ago

Palm Springs

a review by Peter McGinn

This is a reimagining of Groundhog Day, but I think it stands pretty well on its own merits. Groundhog Day did not attempt to explain what was going on, but in Palm Springs, some talk of physics and what might happen if they tried - well, never mind. Who am I to give anything away?

The plot is more complicated than it seemed, and that is a good thing. There is humor, of course, and good chemistry between the two leads, I thought. There was enough difference between each of the replays of the day that it didn’t feel like, here we go again with 90% of the same stuff happening with a slight change thrown in.

So it was an entertaining movie overall. It isn’t one that I will watch multiple times, but if the opportunity arises to watch it again, say with someone who hasn’t seen it, I wouldn’t hesitate. We all love to spoil movies for people by telling them what is coming up! (Just kidding. I don’t like it when it is done to me, so I just sit and let them experience it the same way I did.)