Paint-by-numbers and utterly predictable home-invasion like thriller has some average performances including Bruce Willis who makes his (in my own collection at last) 12th one of these direct-to-video flicks from Grindstone Entertainment and gives it his least. Not terrible and I don't mind a simplistic thriller but this one had low energy and characters making dumb decisions. Beyond that, confusingly seems like the filmmakers want to provide some sympathy of the antogonists, one a complete psychopath who killed two women in cold blood...
From what I read, apparently Bruce Willis gets something like $1M a day for these movies, with no publicity obligations. Must be nice.
Not terrible and I've certainly seen worse, but like most Grindstone movies, they're competently shot, feature a somewhat experienced cast (this one has Chad Michael Murray who starred in the last few "Sniper" DTV films) but apparently they bought the script from some scrapheap. 2.25/5