Decent watch, might watch again, and can recommend.
Ultimately this movie is fun: cheap teen girl drama fun, but fun. Lindsey Lohan has some competent cast to share the load in this, particularly Alison Pill (Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Cooties), an under rated actress, and Megan Fox (Jennifer's Body) playing the Rachel McAdams (Meangirls) of the movie.
I understand that location shooting can get expensive, but the movie looks over all well produced, and while the premise is rather annoying, the writing looks fairly solid, if character driven: not a bad thing, but it usually makes for more interesting tidbits as opposed to an epic a plot line, which was....different depending upon what angle you take.
There are good technical things, great character things, and decent story things here: it's not a bad movie, it's just not one I'm going to tell you to go see over so many other titles.