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almost 4 years ago

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

a review by Peter McGinn

I have expectations when watching a Tom Hanks movie. He is one of the great actors, obviously, and he inhabits his roles. So when he plays an actual person, especially a familiar character like Mr. Rogers, there is a second level beyond nailing the character where he needs to give a nuanced performance, beyond just mimicking the traits. This is a tough role and he handles it well, I believe.

I am sure I knew at some point in the past that Mr. Rogers was a minister, but I had forgotten, so the religious aspects didn't do much for me. But I guess it is as good an explanation as any as to why he was such a relentlessly nice person. I am not a believer, but if all believers were like Mr. Rogers, I would have no issues with religion.

As a side note, and please indulge me here, our daughter is obsessive compulsive and when Queen Sara wasn't featured in an episode, she would throw a fit worthy of the Rain Man, so this was an important program in our house. (We learned to have an episode with the Queen on a vhs tape for those days when she didn't appear on the scheduled show.) so it was interesting for me to get a behind the scenes glimpse of the history and making of the show. But it doesn't overwhelm the plot either.

So I heartily recommend this movie. I also recommend the article this movie is based on. It is available online if you do a duck duck go search for it.