movie backdrop

about 3 years ago

Had its moments I guess, but the plot made very little sense and the blatant ways of trying to undo what Rian Johnson did, as bad as they were in The Last Jedi, just wreaked of desperation. Do have to chuckle at completely dropping the set up of a Finn/Rose/Rey love triangle, though in that case not such a bad thing.

The one consistent thing from this mess of a trilogy is Adam Driver, too bad he didn't get the proper material to make the most of it. Beyond him, nothing else really works, even the direction from Abrams felt old, besides, not a big fan of CGI vs CGI battles (like in Transformers), lacks a certain weight and thus suspense.

Further shame, now that the Skywalker Saga is done, as poorly made as the prequel trilogy was under the direction of George Lucas, even he wouldn't pass bringing Han (Ford), Leia (Fisher) and Luke (Hamill) together.
