The episode list:
1: "Heap Hep Injuns" (1950). Animated by Tom Johnson and George Ruble. A short history of Native Americans, with a wonderful effect in the application of war paint. Song is "My Pony Boy."
2: "The Funshine State" (1949). Animated by Dave Tendlar and Morey Reden. Brilliant color in this episode about Florida. Song is "Tallahassee."
3: "Helter Swelter" (1950). Animated by Al Eugster and William Pattengill. All about those hazy, lazy, hot days of Summer. Song is "In the Good Old Summertime."
4: "Jingle Jangle Jungle" (1950). Animated by Myron Waldman and Larry Silverman. Tales from Africa, and chock full of politically incorrect imagery, down to the ivory piano keys. I defy anyone not to start singing along with the song, with its "bongo bongo bongo, I don't want to leave the Congo" chorus. Song is "Civilization (Bongo Bongo Bongo)."
5: "Little Brown Jug" (1948). Animated by Orestes Calpini, Morey Reden, and Bill Hudson. Beavers make cider at the "Ye Olde Cider Mill," it explodes into the stream, and all the animals get very drunk, including the suckling babes. This was the last cartoon drawn by Orestes Calpini.
6: "The Big Drip" (1949). Animated by Myron Waldman and Nick Tafuri. It rains for 40 days and nights, and the animals build an ark. Buzzy the Crow makes a brief appearance holding a nail and gets clobbered. Song is "Ain't Gonna Rain No Mo."
7: "The Emerald Isle" (1949). Animated by Al Eugster and Bill Hudson. Probably the least interesting of the episodes, and falls more under the category of "cute." Song is "McNamara's Band."
8: "The Golden State" (1948). Animated by Dave Tendlar and Bill Hudson. The only episode that shows its age with extensive color fading, but still good even if very green looking. Song is "California Here I Come."
9: "The Lone Star State" (1948). Animated by Dave Tendlar and Morey Reden. All about Texas, and features a sultry Little Bo Peep, and a shoot 'em up Annie Dopeley. Song is "Deep in the Heart of Texas."