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10 months ago

Dark Phoenix

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

I had seen somewhat mixed opinions of this movie and none of them were really that great so I had some doubts about it. Anyway, the other day I sat down with the kids and watched it.

Far from the greatest X-Men movie but it’s not that bad either. It’s okayish.

The story is fairly decent and, as usual, the special effects (which is really why I watch these movies) is quite good actually. The characters are doing a decent enough job of their roles although none of them are really up to the standard Patrick Stewart brought to the franchise.

The biggest gripe I have with the movie is it’s incessant whining. Jean is quite cool when she get’s pissed off and shows off her powers pretty much stopping anything that gets thrown at her. However those good moments are overshadowed by both her and other characters going into whining mode every so often. And Hank is just a bloody annoying asshole.

I haven’t really read that many X-Men comics (didn’t have them in Sweden when I grew up) so I cannot say I know much about Jean’s real story in those. I noticed that a lot of people complained about the story in the movie not being “the right” one. Sure, when they take a known character and remakes him for no good reason that pisses me off as well but this is NOT a one star movie by any stretch of the imagination.

Overall I cannot say that I really felt disappointed having watched it. Not exactly overjoyed either but it made for a decent enough movie evening with the kids.