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10 months ago

The Horror of Frankenstein

a review by John Chard

Different approach divides Hammer Horror followers but it's not without merits.

The Horror Of Frankenstein is out of Hammer Studios and directed by Jimmy Sangster. Based around the famous characters created by Mary Shelley, the screenplay is co-written by Sangster with Jeremy Burnham. It stars Ralph Bates, Kate O'Mara, Veronica Carlson, Dennis Price, Graham James & David Prowse.

After a dastardly deed sees him inherit the family estate, Victor Frankenstein continues with his anatomy experiments...

Originally released as part of a double bill with Scars Of Dracula, The Horror Of Frankenstein saw Hammer Studios take a different approach with the titular monster. Gone was Peter Cushing, who in a publicity shoot was seen "handing over the reins" to the next generation, and in came a more comedic and talky take that takes in the permissive society and the British Welfare State! Sangster's movie should be viewed as a comedy with horror elements, it's clear from the outset that the makers here have tongue firmly in cheek. What else can you derive from a film that has a dismembered hand flicking the V's? Or a casual observation that Kate O'Mara has gained weight in the breast department? I kid you not, and it is damn funny.

The most interesting thing about the film is the young Frankenstein himself, perfectly essayed as being a dandy egotist by Bates. He is in fact the villain of the piece. Here is a man who kills innocents with single minded glee, just so he can create life; deliciously bonkers really. The sexiness comes from O'Mara and Carlson who seem to have entered a "who has got the biggest cleavage contest", while Dennis Price of Ealing fame is wonderfully colourful as a grave robber happy to let his wife dig the graves! Yes it's a wacky movie alright. Even the monster, played by future Darth Vader David Prowse, seems to be in on the joke. Throw him a doggy chew and he'll do anything for you. I think the creature was more irked about having to wear a diaper more than anything else.

Sets and costuming are still of a high standard, but this is a different Hammer Frankenstein. Fun and even a little devilish in its writing, it's not, however, one for the scare purists. 6/10