movie backdrop

9 months ago


a review by John Chard

Online, your memories live forever... but so do your mistakes.

A group of online chat room friends find themselves terrorised by someone or something using the account of their dead friend.

For someone like me who is way out of the age sphere for such things like the social media world featured here, Unfriended is a fascinating and unnerving experience. When your on line experiences are simply message boards and discussion forums etc, where twitter, skype, facebook and their like are alien to them, then one can only praise when an innovative and fresh idea is brought to the horror realm of film making. And lets face it, horror always needs new splinters to off set the ream of numerical sequels and remakes from hell.

Unfriended is not scary on conventional terms, where it's not about to jolt you out of your seat or have you hiding behind the sofa. It is, however, scary how technology has advanced, how the millions of world wide web users so willingly commit to baring their innermost to all and sundry. Then there's the dark half, those who use the platforms for venal and nefarious means, bringing very real terrors into our world.

I can't personally vouch for how genuine the tech aspects are in this film, but Unfriended definitely taps into a frightening realm, and that is to be applauded. Oh I will not be watching it again, I mean what would be the point? But I'm glad I did take the plunge, and simultaneously I'm glad I'm one of those who is happy just texting and using email... 7.5/10