movie backdrop

over 3 years ago

Sorority House Massacre

a review by Wuchak

Grade B version of “Halloween” with the setting of “The House on Sorority Row”

“Sorority House Massacre” (1986) combines the plot of "Halloween" (psycho killer escapes asylum and goes after his little sister) with the sorority house setting of "The House on Sorority Row" (1983) and "Black Christmas” (1974). But the production values are subpar by comparison, sparking some to call it the worst 80's slasher film.

It’s true that the movie starts shaky with filmmaking akin to an old soap opera, but it builds some suspense in the second half. And there are a few gems, like when Beth's sorta-date (the short, dark-haired guy) says, "I just like being with you." This shows that the writer actually put in some effort despite the Grade B (or Grade C) production values. The fact that there’s no camp and everything plays out deadly seriously is a plus.

The film is short and sweet at 1 hour, 14 minutes; it was shot in Los Angeles.