movie backdrop

over 3 years ago


a review by Wuchak

Bigfoot is loose in the marshes/woods near Lake Erie, Ohio

When mutilated deer are repeatedly discovered with their kidneys removed in Mentor, Ohio, the rumor increases that it’s due to a Sasquatch creature in the area.

Made in 2005, the creatively titled “Bigfoot” isn't a 'B' movie, as some have called it; it's a 'C' movie being that it's a spare-change Indie that only cost $40,000. But it’s pretty good for what it is. As long as you can appreciate micro-budget affairs, it delivers; except for the showdown with the creature at the climax, which has some problems. Director/writer Bob Gray also co-stars as likable Sheriff Bob. He knows how to do drama and gore, but action is not his forte.

Other than that, I felt like I knew the main characters and cared about them and their relationships. While obviously not professional actors, the cast is quite serviceable. The creature looks formidable and is decidedly malevolent; not to mention the gore is well done. There’s even a quality brunette respectfully spotlighted in the parade scene.

The film runs 1 hour, 23 minutes; and was shot in Mentor & Grand River, Ohio.

GRADE: C+/B- (keeping in mind that it’s a mircro-budget flick)