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almost 4 years ago

Alita: Battle Angel

a review by tmdb44006625

Definitely a Robert Rodriguez movie, but a Robert Rodriguez movie made with that James Cameron money.

The world building was incredible. Rosa Salazar, Christophe Waltz, and the rest of the cast do a great job. The technical wizardry, not just with the visual effects but the use of 3-D and IMAX was nothing short of dazzling. The action is exhilarating. I'll also take Motorball over podracing or Quidditch any day.

Yes there are problems with the script because James Cameron has never been a strong writer. There is also way too much sequel baiting for my taste. But for a movie like this to come out in a time when all the profitable IPs are getting tedious, Alita Battle Angel was refreshing and tons of fun. Easily the best live action anime film adaptation to date and a kick ass sensory overload.

James Cameron, I would rather you devote time to make more Battle Angel and less Avatar.