OK, I have to disagree with the other reviewers, to date, of this movie. I totally enjoyed this movie and gave it an 8. Once you figured it out, I thought the story line made complete sense. I loved all the new characters, and thought the camaraderie of the main military characters was great and rather realistic. I don't know about the other reviewers, but I did serve in the U. S. Army and found the character interplay highly realistic. I am disappointed with the interplay between the "good guys" and our government; however, these days you come to expect that. I don't believe that part would be realistic, but I don't think it distracted that much from the movie, and everyone came together in the end...to, of course, save humanity! Which, of course, it did otherwise we all wouldn't be here anymore...right? Good movie! Go see it and then decide for yourself, but I thought it was definitely worth seeing, so much so I even bought the blu-ray!