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about 3 years ago

Shallow Hal

a review by Wuchak

Fun romcom with a worthy message

A shallow man (Jack Black) from Charlotte, North Carolina, falls in love with a 300 lb. woman (Gwyneth Paltrow) after Tony Robbins enables him to see inner merit. Jason Alexander is on hand as his best friend.

“Shallow Hal” (2001) is a romcom that’s both amusing and meaningful. The movie stresses the importance of inward beauty, which Hal was incapable of seeing because of his focus on solely physical attractiveness. When the latter is removed through Tony Robbins' mesmerism he's finally able to see the former. Whiney libs that are unable to grasp fantasy and humor might be offended by the fat jokes, but the overall moral is commendable.

The flick scores pretty well in the feminine department with Paltrow in her prime and never looking better, speaking as someone who was never overly wowed by her. She’s jaw-dropping here and the movie doesn’t fail to spotlight her beauty. Other beautiful women are featured, like Susan Ward as Hal’s neighbor, Jill.

The film runs 1 hour, 54 minutes and was shot in Charlotte, North Carolina.