First of all, the acting in this film isn’t that bad. You can easily tell that everybody is trying their hardest to portray these characters. Some of them came across as real-life people while others just felt like characters in a movie. This could mainly be pointed to the writing in this film. Some of the lines in this film were just hilariously bad and cringy and I would give examples but I already forgot them. But I do have to say the scenery was stunning and the production on this was well done. Each set and costume looked perfect for each scene. The costumes fit each character and showed a bit more into their personality. For example, Richard’s outfits made him look like royalty but at the same time, a normal guy because that’s what he wants to be. This film had lots of pacing issues. From beginning to end it didn’t feel like that was the speed it should be going at. The beginning felt slow while the ending felt to fast. The creators of the film might have thought they had a longer film and then realized they only had a one hour and thirty-two-minute film so they had to quickly resolve the film. The last thing I want to talk about is the relationship in this film. It’s not believable or relatable. I know it shouldn’t be relatable seeing how it is about a journalist falling in love with a prince but the writers still should make it so some people can relate to at least one of them. And it isn’t believable because it seems too rushed. Throughout the entire film, they are hardly around each other and then all of a sudden he just loves her. There is no explanation why just little subtle hints. In the end, A Christmas Prince is perfect for people who like RomComs but for others not so much. I give A Christmas Prince a 6/10.