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over 3 years ago

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

a review by LadyGreenEyes

This one killed the franchise! I have been watching Star Wars movies since they started literally, going to the theater and enjoying the fun. Love the original three. Liked the prequels well enough. I even enjoyed the cute little Ewok movies, with the kids.

These later films have been a mixed bag. Most were watchable enough, though not really the caliber of the old films Sure, the effects are great, but a good movie needs more than special effects and cool alien makeup and some fun droids.

This movie was seriously disappointing. Everything about familiar characters was changed, and the plot was so busy with pushing some weird agenda that it failed to deliver any of what we go to a Star Wars movie to see. At this stage, I couldn't care less about the newer characters, and the whole "Mary Sue" aspect to the one main girl (see, I can't even recall her name!) is just annoying. This film w bad enough that the dedicated SW fanboy in my household just quit watching, and actualy, for the first time ever, skipped the following movie entirely.

So, congrats, Disney; you killed one of the most successful franchises ever.