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10 months ago

Seed of Chucky

a review by John Chard

Chucky has gone to seed!

It would be pure folly to have expected Seed of Chucky to be a brilliant entry in the Chucky franchise, the big-wigs pulling the financial strings behind the scenes clearly had no idea what had made the series popular in horror circles in the first place.

Bride of Chucky (part 4 for anyone counting) was bold and it worked, it managed to be that rare old thing of a horror film able to marry up horror and comedy for good entertainment purpose. Unfortunately everything about Seed of Chucky is lazy and weak. There is no story of substance here, it is neither funny or scary, the parody and self awareness the makers go for runs out of steam after 15 minutes! When the writers are reduced to a masturbation sequence to get their meta kicks then you know there's problems. 3/10, and that is purely for Jennifer Tilly and her delightful way of not taking herself seriously.