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10 months ago

The Fate of the Furious

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

home the man who made them a family.

This movie could easily have been a five out of five stars movie. The story is not that bad but the script and the special effects are absolutely ludicrous. Do not get me wrong, the special effects are, in terms of visual effects quality, really good but they are also utterly unbelievable.

What kind of total idiot did they put to play out his juvenile wet FX dreams on this one? I do not mind over the top special effects and I do not demand 100% realism, at least not in a movie like this, but the effects in this one is just so unbelievable and unintelligent that it really spoils the fun. Take submarines that outrun speeding cars…while acting as ice breakers at the same time. How the hell did they get the submarine from being propped up in dry dock into the water in less than an hour? Also, this guy seems to think that you can just turn on a nuclear sub from being moth balled to ready to go with the turn of a switch as well. The movie is loaded with stunts like this. Stunts that are so ludicrous that it hurts to think that anyone can be stupid enough to dream that kind of crap up. Maybe the guy thought he was writing the script for a comedy or something.

It is a bit of a shame since the story itself is not at all bad. I have to went my frustration about another gripe I have here though. The movie blurb is not only misleading but it is blatantly false. The “mysterious woman” do NOT “seduce” Dom into anything. Said woman has a much more sinister plan. To me this was very good indeed. I was very hesitant before seeing this woman since I really did not like the idea of Dom being “seduced” into betraying his friends.

Well, apart from the above I have to confess that I liked it. It would have gotten five out of five from me if it was not for the unintelligent FX porn in it.

Vin Diesel and The Rock are great as usual. I have always liked Michelle Rodriquez. The rest are not bad either. Charlize Theron is actually making a fairly charismatic villain as Chiper.

There are of course a lot of fast (macho) talk and faster cars as well as plenty of things that go boom in the movie. It is a action movie so anyone expecting something else picked the wrong movie. After all, it is the eighth movie in the franchise so if you are surprised over what you got when watching it you must have picked it up by mistake. Even then, seeing Vin Diesel, The Rock, Statham etc… on the cover should have given you some idea. The one star reviews are just nonsense. They usual are. Very few movies deserve a single star. However, a full set of stars, that, it is not getting.

The movie was enjoyable, fun and action filled but could have been better.