A reminder of what movies can do. That is, revitalize the soul. I usually watch movies in spurts. I won't see anything for 9-13 months, because things in my life are going for the most part smoothly, but then comes this inevitable (it would seem) slide back into not so much a depression as much a soul-level detachment from reality. Lethargy, I guess you'd call it. So I put together 40-50 new things to watch and marathon at the pace of 2 or 3 per day, until I'm finished. Every time I do this, one or two movies come along that splash water on my face and bring me back to life. The rare breed of original, endearing, honest, careful and considered filmic experiences like 2001, or Ikiru, Hannah and Her Sisters, City Lights, or Anomalisa, are, for me, the antidote to a dying spirit. This one got me shook