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10 months ago

Justice League

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

This was my type of Super Hero movie. Simple, straightforward plot without much social nonsens and preaching. Little in terms of the all too common whining and sel pitying by the heroes. They are heroes all the way without any nonsensical vendettas or moral bullshit (mostly). There is an episode with a temporary memory lapse and some unnecessary slowdown but it is quickly dealt with.

On Wikipedia you can read that the movie was criticized for its “overuse of CGI”. Well, go watch another movie then for Christ sake! News Flash: It is a Super Hero movie! There are supposed to be a shitload of CGI in a super hero movie. Personally I enjoyed every second of the FX loaded scenes.

I am quite happy to finally see a real Super Hero movie and especially to see Batman and Superman again after that utterly abysmal train wreck Batman v. Superman.

I liked all the heros in this movie. The Flash was a bit silly at times but it was bearable. Gal Gadot is as hot (I had to say it) as ever as Wonder Woman. There are a few comical moments but luckily they are not overdone. Aquaman accidentally sitting on Wonder Woman’s “truth lasso” was quite hilarious actually.

The SF was generally great. I really liked the explosive action scenes. The colorful tendrils that invaded the land around Steppenwolf’s lair was a bit si-so though. They should have kept them just black and red at least. Steppenwolf himself was okay. From a distance he was pretty great but up close (and there was really too many up close scenes of him) he looked…not so great, especially when talking.

There are a couple of stupid faults of course. Usually involving the good guys just standing around looking while the bad guy screws them. Leaving the, obviously, all important third mother box unguarded and the lust looking stupid when Steppenwolf grabbed it was a real low.

Anyway, I really liked this movie. I do hope we get more like it.