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10 months ago

Halloween II

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

What happened? When I watched the 2007 remake I was quite happy that it was a decent enough work and gave it 7 stars out of 10. This one though? Well the reboot is effectively killed as far as I am concerned. If there are to be made another movie in this franchise there has to be another reboot. This one is just ruined.

The first 20 minutes or so was not too bad. Then it just went to hell. Rob Zombie must have been high on drugs when he wrote this crud. A god chunk of it is just some drug-induced psychedelic mess.

Debora Meyers is just a foul-mouthed brat who is so dislikable that you almost hope that Michael will get her. Dr. Loomis have been turned into a despicable asshole. Michael himself is mostly just a big dirty man who slashes people up.

Occasionally he shows some of the supernatural qualities he is supposed to have but most often not. And he grunts a lot, what the f…? The dialogue is non-existent if you remove the foul language. I am normally quite resistant towards foul language but not when the movie is filled with it just to cover up the lack of talent in the writer.

I think that I have not been so disappointed in a movie in a long time. This movie is utter trash and a disgrace to a franchise that is really one of my favorite horror ones.

I am going to think more than twice before I ever watch a movie by Rob Zombie again.