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10 months ago

Fright Night

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

I have to admit that I have not seen the original but from this version of Fright Night I must say that I do not understand all the fuss and why it has become somewhat of a cult classic. I give 6 stars out of 10 and that is quite frankly just barely. If someone had told me that this was a high-budget TV-movie I would not have been very surprised. Maybe it felt more fresh in 1985 when the original came out.

The first part of the movie is actually a bit boring. However, after the vampire finally reveals himself so that Charlie’s girlfriend and mother starts to believe him things starts to pick up pace a bit. Unfortunately a lot of the movie is still somewhat mediocre. There are the usual frustrating moments, which Hollywood seems to believe must be in every movie, where Charlie just stupidly stands and stares wasting time, drops his weapon etc. etc.

The special effects are okayish but never great. The “vampire hunter” Peter Vincent is just a jerk most of the time until the very end when he shapes up a bit.

It is a decent enough evening diversion but as I wrote, as far as I am concerned, it gets an “okay” but just barely.