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10 months ago

The Big Sick

a review by Reno


Here's the most overrated film, not just for the year, but forever. The title says it all, a big sick flick. Just remember, it was only based on the real, not a biopic. Because they have changed entire storytelling to cinematic convenient. To fool the people from the actual truth. So the terrorists are shown in a good light. Good humans won't support such barbaric people.

It's a shame that American Academy Awards recognised it. Only best thing in the film were the Holly Hunter and Ray Ramona. Even in the real life characters, they were brainwashed, along with Emily. Totally skippable film. Instead, I would strongly suggest to watch 'Punching Henry', 'Obvious Child', 'Sleepwalk with me' and even 'The Vow' or you you could find many more in film database. Don't waste your time with it!
