movie backdrop

10 months ago

The Green Hornet

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

My what a disappointment! I was kind of looking forward to this movie. I had read a few of the magazines as a kid and I think I might even have had a Green Hornet toy car. A masked hero with a martial arts expert and mechanical genius as his side kick and a really cool car. Not one of those ridiculous wimpy ones but a real old-fashioned American car having a large V8 engine with the proper sound and everything. So what could go wrong?

Well a lot! Half way through the movie I was wondering how bloody stupid the producer really thought the audience was. The bad guy was a total joke. Completely wacko in a very stupid way. Not fun at all. But the worst thing was that the hero, played by Seth Rogen, was even more stupid. He was nothing but a dumbass, loudmouthed, idiot throughout the entire movie. Even when he wasn’t directly screwing up just the fact that he was in the scene and opened his mouth was enough to ruin it.

And what about these ridiculous slow motion scenes with the targets flashing red just before some action taking place? The guys where not supposed to have real superpowers so stop making it look like they had for Christ sake! Seth Rogen had a part in writing the script as well and that was probably a huge mistake. Scripts should be left to professionals and not wannabe comedians.