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9 months ago

The Avengers

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

After the recent disappointments from Marvel, notably Thor and the abysmal second instalment of Ghost Rider, this was a pleasant experience.

The special effects are dazzling, the plot is acceptable and the heroes are not making total idiots out of themselves just because the director wanted some “depth” to their characters. Sure there is a little bickering in between them but not too much to distract from the fun.

I’ve always liked Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal of Tony Stark and his sharp tongue. I did wonder how they where going to get the Hulk in there since he’s supposed to be uncontrollable but they did it. Okay they downplayed his uncontrollability a bit but I can live with that. I absolutely loved the “puny god” scene (if you haven’t seen the film yet you’ll have to see it to know what I mean, I wont spoil it in advance).

I have to say that I found Thor himself a bit underwhelming again though. I just expect something more imposing as the good of thunder. But then I’m Scandinavian so…

Anyway, this was a great film. I enjoyed it very much.