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10 months ago

Kick-Ass 2

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

The first Kick Ass movie was a fresh idea and I quite liked that movie. Unfortunately this one seems to have be the creation of someone that believes that a good movie can be made by stacking extreme silliness and vulgarities on top of each other until you reach about a 100 minutes or so.

Most of the movie is unbelievably silly. The original movie also had plenty of silly moments but they were more there to support the plot and not to build the movie as in this one. The main villain is so contrived and stupid that he is just not funny.

The so called “superheroes” are equally ridiculous. The costumes are just awful. Sure, they are supposed to be amateurs but still…

The entire movie is pretty much shouldered by Hit-Girl who is the only one who is not absolutely ridiculous. Without her this movie would have been a total turkey. Unfortunately the vulgarity seeking script writer managed to put her up in a overdone and very disgusting puking scene that really dragged down the movie.

The scenes with Hit-Girl in them, except the above mentioned one, and the action scenes are where almost all the enjoyment of the movie lies. The rest is either so silly or so disgusting that it is barely watchable.