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almost 4 years ago

Justice League

a review by amanshroff

Our childhood superheroes all together !!

Yet again a new DC installment from one of the most controversial directors of Hollywood Zack Snyder, who directed Man of Steel (2013) and Dawn of Justice (2016). The large of number of nerds around the globe are waiting for this from the childhood to see their favorite iconic heroes team up for the first time in Cinematic history. The basic plot of movie revolves around some deadly external threat wanting to conquer earth like every other CBM adaptations. The movie offers the same story as we see in most of the fandoms where a group of lonesome warriors come together to save earth.

“Men are still good”, deeply inspired by the Superman, Batman has again gained his faith in humanity and wants to start working for it and saving it. The Batman continuing its investigation on what Lex Luthor was planning to do in Dawn in Justice. Diana and him are uniting some new members like Victor Stone Aka Cyborg and Arthur Curry aka Aquaman and Barry Allen aka Flash in order to find their potential for good and unite against common threats when the world need it.The movie shows how people who lives alone finds it hard to adjust among new people. One of most important part of the movie is The Superman in his full character development, and showing to audience that sometimes Superhero needs other Superheroes to save them, because at the end of the day everybody loves a classic DC story where “Superman saving everyone and beating the crap out of bad guys”.

The performance of characters was good as the “material” was given to them. Batman which is played by Ben Affleck in JL was a bit out of character unlike the previous ones i.e. in Dawn Of Justice where he was The Freaking Bat ,The Worst Knightmare. He was purest personification of Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight, brutal, badass emotionless vigilante who everyone fears but in JL he was watered down too low and Yeah the guy smiles too. It may be horrifying to see Joker smiling but trust me its more horrifying to see Batman smiling . After her wonderful victory over RT Gal Gadot could do a lot better. Wonder Woman was kind of distracted and could not establish character as she did it in Dawn Of Justice and Wonder Woman,or may be we were expecting more. Cyborg who is a brilliant sportsman who lost his life after an accident. It was good to see Zack tried to show how life of normal human changes after horrifying accidents. The guy is in conflict with himself which is brilliantly played by Ray Fisher. Just like Ben Affleck Ezra miller too was first hated then became everyone’s favorite kid in JL. His conversations brings the tone of movie somewhat lighter. Now we have king of Atlantis, He looks like Khal Drogo had a kid with some most beautiful mermaid. Thanks to Jason Momoa ,Aquaman is total badass unlike its previous versions . I don’t want to spoil Superman but yeah Henry really nailed it.He finally became The Superman everybody wanted. His journey is complete. He knows why he is here, to save us all. We had another badass mortal on the team, He is Alfred portrayed Sir. Jeremy Irons. Actually we are not in a position to judge Sir Jeremy but yeah he was one of the best parts you will love in JL. We saw his sassy quick-witted talk with Bruce. You may find the movie is not catchy ,may be this was result of messed up situation where Zack Snyder left the movie due to his personal problems and put it in hands of other director Joss Whedon. Those two are totally different in their approaches so it resulted in such situation.

Although you may find a lot of negativity about this movie like previous DC films, because one of the things that audience forgets that DC characters are very dark unlike their contrary Marvel whose characters are cheesy and kind of funny, their stories and plots revolve around words like Hope , Justice and humanity not like Shawarma or Devil’s Anus jokes .This is a average movie not an Avengers movie. One thing I want to say that they kind of rushed to create a team up rather than Solo movies of Characters. This kinds of things makes hard for audience to adjust as they don’t bond with DC characters as easily they do with Marvel one’s. The CGI was somewhat down as compared to other CBM’s and could have been a lot better.

Overall, the movie will attract you if you see it as first team up not if you compare with other ones. This DC movie is worth watching.