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10 months ago

Conan the Barbarian

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

I quite liked this film, more than I liked Captain America: The First Avenger that we watched a couple of days ago. It has gotten some rather disappointing ratings. I obviously disagree.

I found the film to be pretty much what I hoped for. I read some reviews on IMDb stating that Conan only said about 40 words, that he wasn’t “barbaric” enough, that the fight scenes where chopped up and that you didn’t get to see much of the fighting.

In reality the first statement is a blatant lie and the others simply not true. The film is much bloodier than Schwarzenegger’s version and sometimes in a quite “barbaric” way. I do not know what people really expected from this film but for me it was pretty much what I hoped for. Although the Schwarzenegger films are somewhat out-dated I was still afraid that I would miss good old Schwarzy but I really didn’t (that much at least).

Special effects where quite okay and the 5.1 DTS Master Audio soundtrack was done well enough. It get’s a 7 out of 10 from me.