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almost 4 years ago

Iron Man 2

a review by Dan_Tebasco

Yet another ridiculously high rated Marvel movie, we get it Marvel fanboys you just love it when a new Marvel movie comes out, so much that you forget any flaws in it and give it a 10 or a 9 anyways.

But come on seriously? Wouldn't you rather they spent a little time at actually writing a somewhat decent script and making it a bit more entertaining than to praise EVERYTHING they do to the skies just because you want a new chapter in the Marvel universe?

Cause this is NOT a good movie, 35 minutes of decent at best action and 85 minutes of nonsensical blabber.

Mickey Rourke was the only highlight in this movie, the scene at the racetrack with him was really cool but then he just became a wasted opportunity just like the rest of the movie.

A really boring turd of a film.