I am apparently one of the few who saw "Grindhouse" when it came to town. Great, grisly fun in the theater on the big-screen. A double-feature complete w/ fictional "previews," several of which became feature films themselves ("Machete," and "Hobo with a Shotgun," which wasn't one of the previews shown in my hometown.)
But then the dumb decision was made to split the two features into separate, longer ones. Bye, bye fun previews (except on YouTube.) Hello, longer films that were just the right length in the theater.
"Death Proof" especially suffers from extra-padding and more of Tarantino's blah-blah-blah dialogue. Instead of a breezy film about a whack-job who gets his jollies terrorizing women in his souped-up stunt-car rides, we get a talky film w/ action scenes that take forever to get going. And when they do, they're too easy to pick apart and criticize.
Stuntman Mike dispatches four young women w/ the first vehicle were shown (having already murdered his unwilling ride-hitching companion) and the Police decide to speculate on his intentions, vs. trying to prove them. Some justice system in Texas.
Later (or perhaps earlier; some viewers feel the 2nd 1/2 of the film actually takes place before the 1st...an opinion I don't agree with) Stuntman Mike goes after three women taking a joy-ride while re-enacting a particular hood-riding stunt. After a few minutes of bumper tag, he is shot by the sudden appearance of a revolver (which was where during the chase...taking a nap?)
At this point Psycho Mike becomes Blubbery Mike and somehow is caught up w/ after he'd taken off in a great hurry; apparently they equipped certain 70's muscle cars w/ GPS's sent back from the present.
I can't explain why, but in the theater "Death Proof" was silly (if nasty) fun. But watching at home brings all manners of "Oh, come on" moments that really detract from appreciating it in the same way. The bar scenes drag on, and on, and on. The talk scene at the diner goes on, and on, and on. The scene where a local yokel is asked to let the three ladies test drive his car goes on, and oh you get the picture.
Sorry, QT. You turned a 6/10 flick into a 4/10 slog-fest. Those "mast-head" scenes aside, "Death Proof" has little to recommend it to anyone not a fan of Tarantino's work...which has been awful since "Basterds," and even that film is over-rated in spots.