movie backdrop

10 months ago


a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

There is no doubt that this is a very pleasing movie from a purely visual point of view. This is probably a movie that would benefit from being watched in a good theater with its grandiose scenery.

However, I have to say that I found the rest of the movie somewhat mediocre. The part that I felt dragged down the movie the most is that Dr. Ryan is behaving rather clumsily and amateurish first being real slow in obeying the order to evacuate and then floating around huffing and puffing, talking a lot when she should really conserve oxygen. Did they not give her the basic course before letting her up in space? I also found it soooo Hollywood that she was able to get onto the Chinese space station and seconds later it starts to descend into the atmosphere. In general I felt that the script writer was not really very technically knowledgeable.

Overlooking these, unfortunately all too often occurring issues, the movie is fairly okay as a whole. Obviously I cannot agree with the glowing all-star ratings that some people have been giving it but it is far from the single star trashing that other people have been giving it. Technically it was very good with nice special effects. Bullock performed as well as can be expected with the script she was given. Clooney felt a bit out-of-place as a skilled astronaut to me but then he was not really in the movie that much.

To me it was a fairly enjoyable popcorn movie.