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almost 4 years ago

Spider-Man: Homecoming

a review by AJGibbs

Disappointing return for the webslinger. After the dramatic introduction in Civil War this film feels like an excercise in keeping the coffers full. Unlike the Toby Maguire films this incarnation feels flat. It never manages to really put our superhero in any real just goes through the motions and ticks boxes. Granted it is mostly enjoyable, but did we need it?? No.

The suit and inclusion of Iron Man takes away from what is great about Spiderman. The fact he has to juggle school, work, realationships is what kept him grounded... He does not need Iron Man's suit or him flying in to save the day!!

Also, why does he not have a spidey-sense?!? He gets nailed left, right and centre!

  • To conclude; disappointing, Yes, as Spiderman just became another member of Tony's team...when he should stand alone.