movie backdrop

10 months ago


a review by Reno

Inside and outside, a cat-mouse game!

A limited cast film. One night event. The whole film was shot within the three weeks. Minimised dialogues, maximised actions. This film has such a good record those. But apart from the performances and settings, there's nothing special. The same old home-invasion concept with so many flaws. If you are looking for nothing but an entertainment, then this will provide you that. But you should not expect more than that, it will foil you from having a nice time with the film. I enjoyed it too, though when it comes to the rating, I should be honest.

Maddie, an authoress who lost hearing and voice in her childhood is now living in a remote place, somewhat isolated from the people. On an ordinary day, unexpectedly, a masked man who killed her neighbour, is now after Maddie too. When she comes to realise that, the cat and mouse game begins. She locked herself inside. On the other hand the stranger trying to get in. As it goes like that for hours, so many twists and turns take place. How the remaining tale would turn out is should be watched.

Simpleness was the highlight. They did not try too much. Particularly, for a thriller like this, they usually scare the viewers with sudden and loud sounds. This film had those, but minimised. You can't blame for isolated settings too, because such crimes can be easily committed on those backdrops. It's all about Kate Siegel. Her best film, according to me. Nice direction, from one of the latest horror flick maker. But this is not a horror film. It is a terror, a thriller. Short running time and it is worth a try.
