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10 months ago

The Lazarus Effect

a review by Reno

The stimulated brain terrorising!

Actually, this film was made before 'Lucy', but released after that. So I first saw that and now this. Basically, these two films are similar thematic, except the genres are different. I liked Scarlett's film, a very much enjoyable. This film too looked nice, and watching it after that makes to understand it better. I meant scientifically, rather than a supernatural way. So what's extra in this was the usual horror film style jumpy scenes, with loud and sudden sounds.

Limited cast, and one day event based film. Not a bad writing or the direction and performances. The settings were perfect, and the film did not require strong graphics. The story followed a small medical researcher team who is working on a serum that brings the dead back to life. When their entire work was ceased by the company they were working for, they decide to recreate everything to prove its theirs. Then something goes wrong, following a series of destruction before it all ends.

Like I said, it was more a science-fictional thriller than your regular horror film. But it borrowed the same style to present on the screen. The events are simple to understand, except that scientific thing. Because there won't be any difference for those who are weak in basic science. It'll be another normal boring horror flick. For me, it's an average film, watchable for once being short and well paced narration.
