movie backdrop

almost 4 years ago


a review by Ashkan

Short version, don't watch unless you really want to punish yourself.

This is one of the most boring and predictable movies I have seen in a long time.

In addition to the extremely unfunny jokes, the whole movie plot is lacking. There is NO point in the movie where you tell yourself "Ok, now it makes sense!".

The movie tries to exploit 1) the need that movies have to have women heros and 2) family problems and family bounds, but they fail at both.

Let there be
<========== Spoilers ==========>

The whole movie is about a mother and a daughter that go to Ecuador to have fun. They get captured by a very powerful underground lord to be sold. They, together, bring down this person and his organisation and do what the whole US and Mexican police force have not been able to do.
Oh and the girl is really irresponsible and the mother is really uptight which by the end of the movie becomes the exact opposite.