movie backdrop

almost 4 years ago

The Vatican Tapes

a review by Dan_Tebasco

A bit nice with the rating perhaps.

I mean it has alot of issues, Michael Pena (whom I usually like alot) is very stiff in this one (no not in his pants, it's not that kind of a movie) feels like he phoned it in as they say.

Djimoun Hinsou being in it was something that interested me to see it as well but he was only in it for a couple minutes.

Nicely shot but the editing is a bit wonky, whoever edited it doesn't get it to flow very well and it seems like they were deliberatly trying to make it as short as possible cutting from one scene to the next leaving as little dead time as possible.

Clocking in at less than 90 minutes (the credits start rolling at around the 83 mark).

Not a whole lot of surprises to be found, the idea of the ending was alright but again very rushed.

Should be added that despite what the plotsummario suggests this is not found footage.