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almost 4 years ago

The Phantom of the Opera

a review by AusFem


Great cast, fantastic music, beautiful storyline. Can't help but watch it over and over. The music just stays with you and haunts you for days after.

The Phantom just draws you in... this movie has everything going for it. It's a drama, comedy and romantic, and a great looking cast. The stage production was fabulous, it's so much better watching it on the big screen.

The phantom being the villain, you just feel for him and his love for Christine. Not to mention that fact that he's so hot. That's something I wasn't expecting. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

The movie is stunning, the music absolutely superb. The cast WOW especially Gerard...what a hunk.

I must say I bought the DVD, which had extras of the original phantom with the original stage cast. The movie I think is so much better. Gerard is superb, his emotional state was so believable. As were the rest of the cast. I still cry at the final scene.

Definitely a movie to watch and don't forget the tissue.

A wonderful love story. Andrew Lloyd Webber is a genius and I've fallen in love with Gerard.

(This was my only IMDB review and I pinched it back)