It wasn't really what I expected. I thought I'd be bored in my ass. I wasn't really. Ok. Maybe just a little. I didn't want to watch this because, come on, we all know Robin Hood's story. But then while watching it, I tell myself, this isn't the Robin Hood that I know. It's a different take on Robin Hood. Although I can't help but tell mayi that the movie could've been a lot better if Gerard Butler played Robin. But Russell Crowe delivered too. I'm just not a super big fan of his. And then Cate Blanchett, was intimidating as always. I mean not in a bad way. I think she's the celebrity that I'm most intimidated with. Her characters were always great. The movie was nice. Although I wouldn't rate it as super nice. It had its boring parts wherein I just want to close my eyes for a little. And then it felt like it was too long for me. I wasn't really into it that much although I was entertained.