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10 months ago

That's My Boy

a review by John Chard


That's My Boy finds Adam Sandler on auto pilot, for this represents him not giving a care in the world about his fans or anyone remotely interested in watching a decent comedy. Sure this has fans, and it's not my want to chastise people's personal preferences, especially with what makes them laugh, and certainly making light of serious issues doesn't have me signing up for the next PC Brigade march, but this is pathetically played.

It was a colossal failure at the box offices, and it deserved to be. Sandler and his writer, David Caspe, blend edgy offensiveness with base juvenile comedy, throwing erection and sperm gags together with incest and statutory rape was always going to be tricky to successfully pull off, even more so when Sandler and co seem to think shouting loud makes scenes more funny. It's just that it never comes off as a funny whole, just a series of mind farts dotted alongside a potentially warm bonding between estranged father and son thread.

Next to this Little Nicky looks a masterpiece! It's a tough film for Sandler fans to defend, and I have been one in the past, but when Vanilla Ice sending himself up is a highlight then you got problems. Whilst Susan Sarandon and James Caan should look in the mirror and ask questions about appearing in this... 3/10