movie backdrop

9 months ago

Cabin Fever

a review by John Chard

Ouch! Ouch!

My my, the most horrifying thing about this Cabin Fever remake is the vitriolic scorn poured on it by the horror hordes! It is in no way a great film, or even a particularly good one either, but to me it's no worse than a whole ream of other gore based horrors I have been bored by since the new millennium dawned.

In my defence, I wasn't over enamoured with the original in the first place, so it was no big stretch for me to give this one a shot. It also obviously helped me that I haven't seen that original since the year it was released, so hazy memory and all that. What I got here was a pic full of blood and grue, sex and stereotypes, and poor acting. That is often the norm in the gore slasher genre of things...

On the plus side is the superb cinematography by Gavin Kelly and a truly head rattling musical score by Kevin Riepl, the latter of which even does a cheeky steal from Symphonie Fantastique (Hector Berlioz). And there's the gorgeous and sexy Louise Linton playing a fantasy driven Deputy! Hoo-Hah! But I digress.

I'd never watch it again, I wouldn't dream of recommending it to serious horror buffs, and although there's a very good emotional pull late in the day, it's pretty much an empty shell. But I did have fun while it was on. Sue me. 5/10