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10 months ago

The Legend of Tarzan

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

This was the most underwhelming Tarzan movie that I have ever seen. A typical product of some Hollywood producer trying to make a "modern" take of Tarzan not really knowing or caring for the Tarzan that Edgar Rice Burroughs created. 

In particular it was the palest and most underwhelming Tarzan character yet. He never radiated the strength nor the intelligence that Edgar Rice Burroughs attributed to his character. He spent most of the movie going around with a bland look on his face.

The story itself is pretty much an out of the box standard Hollywood story about slavery and abuse of the black African population. Not truly bad but nothing to write home about either.

There is a lot of CGI in the movie and although quite a few reviewers seem to consider it bad I personally though it was pretty okay. One of the few decent bits of the movie.

I truly do not understand that they had the nerve to call this movie The Legend of Tarzan since it really is pretty far from the legend of Tarzan that Edgar Rice Burroughs created. This movie would perhaps have been okay as a one hour episode in a Tarzan TV-show but as a high budget feature movie it simply does not cut it. I was quite disappointed.