movie backdrop

10 months ago


a review by John Chard

She's locked in this house and her dad's a psychopath. I have to say that being British born and bred I'm not at all familiar with Goosebumps, either the books or TV series etc, so I was going into this film blind as it were. With that in mind I'm not really able to review to fans of the original works.

I went in with the hope of a good time, I liked the sound of the concept, I like Jack Black and I knew it was going to be well produced and no doubt heavily laden with the latest technological effects (ironically I had watched the splendid Jason and the Argonauts prior to Goosebumps, from one extreme to another or what?!).

I got everything I expected and had fun without any frame of reference. If I wanted any more I could dig out some questions that would need to be answered, but why bother. I left at the end, as a middle aged film lover, contented. I would for sure keenly watch any sequel if it surfaces.

Didn't do much for my Automatonophobia though... 6.5/10