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10 months ago

Star Trek Beyond

a review by Per Gunnar Jonsson

Last Saturday me and the kids sat down to watch Star Trek Beyond which we received in the mail the day before. In general we liked the movie quite a lot. Plenty of action, good special effects and a not too bad story. However, one thing irked me to now end. They blew up the enterprise…again. Stop destroying the bloody Enterprise in every movie for Christ sake! Been there, seen that done that. It is getting both old and frustrating.

Apart from that it was a good entry in the new timeline movie series. I am not sure what all those people giving it one star ratings and calling it the worst movie ever expected to get? Anyone who has watched the two other movies should be expecting a fairly action loaded blockbuster with lots of CGI in it and that is exactly what we got. Personally I think this is a good thing. I was getting rather bored by some of the previous installments in the original timeline where they almost never fired a shot and tried to talk or reason their way out of every problem they encountered.

The story was not too bad although I have to agree that it did not really advance the story or timeline much. It was more like a TV-show episode blown up to a full feature movie. It worked nicely though as a action story although I would have liked to know more about how Edison transformed into Krall and, although that could be explained by some mutation caused by the alien technology, how he managed to transform himself back to Edison.

The CGI with the alien swarm moving fluidly over the screen and the huge Yorktown station was quite stunning as far as I am concerned. I also liked that the ships, both Enterprise and the Franklin could take quite a bit of abuse before starting to fail. In a lot of the previous movies as well as the TV-shows it took one hit and some console exploded and the warp core went down.

All in all both me and the kids quite liked this installment in the series.