A conman and his ghost team!
I truly don't know what is the original title. 'Mass' or 'Masss' or 'Massu' or 'Massu Engira Masalimani'. Since 'Mangatha' I haven't seen any Venkat Prabhu's films. He has lost his midas touch. His films are used to be youthful and fun, but not anymore. This was a different than his usual theme, but did not deliver. Particularly, I hated the graphics. Those CGI characters ruined the film in the initial part, I thought it was a very cheap thing I ever seen in a big production film. The action sequences were so stupid as well. The comedies were okay, but still it had lots of references of old films. So you can't enjoy them if you are not familiar with the original.
Surya is a very dedicated actor that you would find in Kollywood today, but the filmmakers are not using that properly. Compared to any other actors, he does many varieties of films. I watched it only for him and nothing else. I appreciate the experimental theme, but they did not get a better screenplay. The storyline looked decent, especially the flashback, but did not develop well. Like what the title hints, it was too much mass which suits better for Tollywood fans. Might be Surya fans or Venkat's would like it, sadly I'm not one. Surely you will have some laughs, other than that this is not good. So skipping it is not a bad option.